This hierarchy introduces the Approaches to Teaching and Approaches to Learning elements for planning and interdisciplinary connections to be explored. The idea is to create a collaborative environment that focuses on a student-centred approach.

In our English B course students will develop skills that prepare them for being successful not only in their academic context but in other situations of their lives.

ATL will help students to become  better learners of English and apply skills across subjects and in multiple contexts. 

Security - Confidence - Challenge - Engagement:These  key words will guide our planning and teaching-learning process. 

Teaching focused on differentiation
Teaching focused on differentiation

In this section we will see what differentiated instruction implies. When, Why, How to use differentiated instruction in the English B classroom. Di...

Teaching developed in local and global contexts
Teaching developed in local and global contexts

It's all about intercultural understanding and experiences: How do I create a better and more peaceful world? How do we communicate in different con...

Teaching focused on effective teamwork and collaboration
Teaching focused on effective teamwork and collaboration

Collaborative relationship between teacher and students and among students. Teachers learning from other teachers.   Conducting Cultures of...

Teaching focused on conceptual understanding
Teaching focused on conceptual understanding

How conceptual understandings provide the structure for English B. Different points to be analysed and taken into account when planning: -We should...

Teaching informed by formative and summative assessment
Teaching informed by formative and summative assessment

Formative ( On-Going assessment) includes: *pre-assessment *throughout a unit *OK to differentiate *sometimes graded   It's important t...

Skills and practice
Skills and practice

  When teaching any subject, but specially a language we go for the development of lifelong skills to :   -communicate   -exchange...