In this section we present a range of questions that could be used in the class to develop interactive skills on a range of topics within the theme EXPERIENCES.

Daily routine
Daily routine

  Tell me about your daily routine at home during a normal day of the week. *** Tell me about your daily routine at school.  ***...

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    What do you like doing in your free time? With whom do you like spending your free time? Have you got any hobbies/past times? Did...

Para ver esta sección, cree una cuenta aquí o si ya tiene una cuenta, identifíquese aquí
Holidays and tourism
Holidays and tourism

    What is your favourite type of holiday/vacation? Why? What type of holiday/vacation you dislike? Why? What would your ideal holida...

Para ver esta sección, cree una cuenta aquí o si ya tiene una cuenta, identifíquese aquí
Festivals and celebrations
Festivals and celebrations

  When is your birthday? How are birthdays celebrated in your country? Do you celebrate your birthday? How do you celebrate your birthday?...

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