This section will look at words, phrases, sentences and clauses as the essential components of texts. 


In this section we will explore the following topics of the grammatical syllabus:


  • Simple, compound and complex sentences
  • Question formation
  • Sentence fragments / Run-on sentences
  • Punctuation
  • Word order
  • Words and phrases
  • Basic word formation (prefixes and suffixes)
Basic word formation (prefixes and suffixes)
Basic word formation (prefixes and suffixes)

  You can begin by explaining the rule of word formation, using the video English grammar: Learn about word formation.   Prefixes and s...

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Words and phrases
Words and phrases

  You can begin your lesson by explaining the difference between a clause and a sentence in English. A clause is a group of words wit...

Para ver esta sección, cree una cuenta aquí o si ya tiene una cuenta, identifíquese aquí
Word order
Word order

The way words are arranged in a sentence is referred to as Word order. The standard word order in English uses the SVO model: Subject +Verb + Object....

Para ver esta sección, cree una cuenta aquí o si ya tiene una cuenta, identifíquese aquí
Question formation
Question formation

Word order in questions changes with respect to positive sentences. You can introduce this grammar topic by showing the following video, that present...

Para ver esta sección, cree una cuenta aquí o si ya tiene una cuenta, identifíquese aquí

You can begin by introducing Punctuation marks, using the short video 'Punctuacion explained'.     Then, you can show the video  E...

Para ver esta sección, cree una cuenta aquí o si ya tiene una cuenta, identifíquese aquí