The topic of Global Issues explores those issues that adversely affect the global community and environment, such as political and economic crises, environmental issues and social issues.

Students will be offered opportunities to communicate about Global Issues, by looking at examples of personal, local, national and global interest in a range of subtopics:

  • Aid organizations/Charities
  • Energy
  • Human rights
  • Migration: immigration, refugees
  • Peace and war
  • Population
  • Poverty
  • Terrorism


By being exposed to a variety of text types in relation to Global issues, students will be challenged to compare the target language and culture(s) to other languages and cultures, as well as to other disciplinary areas in the DP.

Through a variety of subtopics, students will also be invited/prompted to answer a range of questions in the context of the study of global issues, like the following:

  • What can I do to help the environment?
  • How do my surroundings affect the way I live?
  • What can I do to make the world a better place?
  • What opportunities do we have at global level to help create a sustainable world?



Aid organisations & Charities
Aid organisations & Charities

Introduction Where there are crises and social issues, there is need for help. This is where aid organizations and charities are most needed. You ca...

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What are global issues
What are global issues

Introduction You might want to begin this theme by asking your students what they think Global issues are. Have them brainstorm, and then collect th...

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Introduction You can start teaching this topic by asking your students how many forms of energy they know. Initiate a brainstorming activity and pro...

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Human rights
Human rights

Introduction You might want to begin this unit by exploring the concept of Human rights. Ask your students this question: What are human rights? T...

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Migration, immigration, refugees
Migration, immigration, refugees

Introduction You can begin this session by exploring with your students the meaning of the following terms:  emigrate, immigrate, migrate. &nbs...

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Peace and war
Peace and war

Introduction You might start this unit by asking students to define the meaning of the following terms: war and conflicts. Then clarify the differen...

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Introduction Begin by presenting the definition of Human population. Human population refers to the number of people living in a particula...

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Introduction Start with prompting your students with some questions about poverty. Ask them: How do you define poverty? Do you think poverty is i...

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Introduction Start teaching this topic by exploring with your students the meaning of the term 'terrorism'. Ask your students to provide examples of...

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