This topic explores holidays and tourism as time off a regular occupation, that can be used for a specific trip or journey, as well as for activities within the country of residence and/or abroad.



Students will be offered opportunities to communicate about the topic of holidays and tourism, by looking at examples of personal, local, national and global interest in a range of subtopics:

  • Accommodation
  • Activities & Excursions
  • Holiday types: beach, city, adventure, family
  • Local customs, foods, traditions
  • Tourist information
  • Travel: arrangements, fares, reservations, complaints


By being exposed to a variety of text types in relation to the topic of Holidays and tourism, students will be challenged to compare the target language and culture(s) to other languages and cultures, as well as to other disciplinary areas in the DP.

Through a variety of topics, students will also be invited to answer a range of questions in the context of the study of holidays and tourism, like the following:

  • How does travel broaden our horizons? 


Tourism and Holidays
Tourism and Holidays

Introduction You can begin teaching this topic by introducing basic vocabulary and sentences that can be used to talk about holidays/vacations, you c...

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Activities & excursions
Activities & excursions

  Introduction   You can start this lesson by introducing vocabulary on Tourist activities.  The students watch the video Tourist a...

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Introduction You can start by introducing vocabulary on Holiday accommodation, by using the video Types of Travel Accommodations.   On t...

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Holiday types: beach, city, adventure, family
Holiday types: beach, city, adventure, family

Introduction Sometimes it's easier to find the right holiday by choosing the type of trip you're looking for, rather than going for a destination fir...

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Local customs, foods, traditions
Local customs, foods, traditions

BRITISH FOOD You might want to start this lesson by introducing basic information about British food and traditions. Show the video British foo...

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Tourist information
Tourist information

To develop receptive skills (reading) on the topic of travel and tourism, students can look at the information presented in the page Travel Guide (Bri...

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Travel: arrangements, fares, reservations, complaints
Travel: arrangements, fares, reservations, complaints

Introduction You might want to start your lesson by exploring the diference between travel and tourism. You can use the video Travel vs Tourism....

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