The topic of Daily Routines explores the range of customary or regular tasks, chores, or duties that are done regularly or at specified intervals, in a typical period of time (day) and in different places.
Students will be offered opportunities to communicate about the topic of daily routine by looking at examples of personal, local, national and global interest in a range of subtopics:
- Daily routine at Home
- Daily routine at School
- Daily routine in the Workplace
- Shopping: money, online shopping, shops
- Social interaction: greetings, politeness
- Weekend activities
- Days of the week
- Frequency Adverbs
- Telling the time
By being exposed to a variety of text types in relation to daily routine, students will be challenged to compare the target language and culture(s) to other languages and cultures, as well as to other disciplinary areas in the DP.
Through the treatment of a variety of subtopics, students will also be invited to answer a range of questions in the context of the study of daily routine like the following:
- How would my life be different if I lived in another culture?
At home and at school
Introduction You might start with exploring with your students the concept of 'home' as opposed to 'house'. Ask them: 'what is home for you?'. You ca...
In the workplace
Introduction To be able to talk about daily routine at work, students need some vocabulary and expressions to describe what people do in their jobs....
Weekend activities
Introduction You can introduce this aspect of routine by setting the weekend routine within the wider context of the weekly routine. Receptive skill...
Shopping: money, online shopping, shops
Introduction You may want to start teaching this topic by asking your students about their shopping routine. Do they usually do their shopping online...
Social interaction: greetings, politeness
Introduction To introduce this topic, you can start with asking your students what words for greetings in English they know. Use the Mentimeter appli...