The topic Physical wellbeing explores the concept of physical wellbeing not just as the absence of disease or pain, but as a lifestyle behavior that ensures health, avoids preventable diseases and conditions and entails living in a balanced state of body, mind and spirit.
Students will be offered opportunities to communicate about the topic of physical wellbeing, by looking at examples of personal, local, national and global interest in a range of subtopics:
- Body
- Health: lifestyle, fitness, diet, stress
- People in healthcare (doctors, nurses, specialists, surgeons, etc)
- Illnesses, addictions, eating disorders, obesity
- Medicines: pharmacies, prescriptions, treatments
By being exposed to a variety of text types in relation to physical wellbeing, students will be challenged to compare the target language and culture(s) to other languages and cultures, as well as to other disciplinary areas in the DP.
Through a variety of subtopics, students will also be invited to answer a range of questions in the context of the study of physical well-being:
- How do I achieve a balanced and healthy lifestyle?
Accidents and emergencies
Introduction You can begin this lesson with brainstorming about the most common kinds of accidents and emergencies. Then use the video Emergency Voc...
The body
For teachers We are aware that in some circustances and cultural contexts, the display of some of the pictures and videos contained on this p...
Health: Lifestyle, Fitness, Diet, Stress
HEALTH You can start this topic by exploring the concept of physical well-being and putting it into the larger context of general well-being, intende...
People in healthcare: doctors, nurses, specialists, surgeons
Introduction You can begin this topic with introducing vocabulary about Health care professionals, using the video IELTS Vocabulary Builder: healthca...
Medicines: pharmacies, prescriptions, treatments
Introduction You can start teaching this topic by introducing some basic medical terminology that students will use to describe medical conditions an...