This unit explores the concept of eating and drinking, intended as two factors that are indicative of social identity and relationships between groups in society. 




Students will be offered opportunities to communicate about the topic of eating and drinking, by looking at examples of personal, local, national and global interest on a range of subtopics:


  • Cooking: equipment, ingredients, instructions, quantity, utensils
  • Healthy diets, junk food, allergies, dietary restrictions
  • Shops, Markets and Supermarkets
  • Restaurants and menus
  • Culinary traditions


By being exposed to a variety of text types in relation to eating and drinking, students will be challenged to compare the target language and culture(s) to other languages and cultures, as well as to other disciplinary areas in the DP.

Through treatment of a variety of subtopics students will also be invited to answer a range of questions in the context of the study of eating and drinking: 


  • How do I achieve a balanced and healthy lifestyle?




Cooking: equipment, ingredients, instructions, quantity, utensils
Cooking: equipment, ingredients, instructions, quantity, utensils

Introduction You can start this topic by introducing basic vocabulary, that students will need to use when speaking about recipes, cooking and drinki...

Para ver esta sección, cree una cuenta aquí o si ya tiene una cuenta, identifíquese aquí
Healthy diets, junk food, allergies, dietary restrictions
Healthy diets, junk food, allergies, dietary restrictions

HEALTHY DIET Start this topic by asking your students: what does 'diet' mean? Facilitate a discussion on the concept of diet. Finally, present your...

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Shops, markets and supermarkets
Shops, markets and supermarkets

Introduction To develop vocabulary on types of shops in English, you can use the video Learn English With Photos 6 - Shops and Shopping. Student...

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Restaurants and menus
Restaurants and menus

Introduction You can start this lesson with playing the video Everyday English for ESL-Lesson eight-Restaurant meal, that introduces basic conversati...

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