The workplace is the place where people work for his or her employer. It can vary from office buildings, to factories or more modern versions such as co-working campuses.

In this topic, students will explore the ways in which the workplace has an impact on people's beliefs and ideas. 



Students will be offered opportunities to communicate about the topic Workplace, by looking at examples of personal, local, national and global interest in a range of subtopics:


  • Jobs and professions
  • Qualifications
  • Unemployment
  • Applications
  • Work conditions: co-workers, salary, schedule, stress, perks, promotion


By being exposed to a variety of text types in relation to workplace, jobs and professions, students will be challenged to compare the target language and culture(s) to other languages and cultures, as well as to other disciplinary areas in the DP.

Through a variety of subtopics students can answer a range of questions in the context of the study of the workplace, like the following:


  • What options do I have in the world of work?






Jobs and professions
Jobs and professions

Introduction You can start your lesson by analyzing with your students the meaning of the words 'job' and 'professions'. You can ask your students t...

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Introduction Unemployment is a social issue that is impacting strongly on people's well being and quality of life. You can start this lesson by expl...

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Introduction At this stage of this Unit, students should understand the differences between job and profession. You can begin with going over the de...

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Introduction You can start this lesson by explaining what a job application is. Students read the article Job application definition and a Sample App...

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Working conditions
Working conditions

Introduction Start with asking your students what they think working conditions are. Facilitate this discussion through a Mentimeter applicatio...

Para ver esta sección, cree una cuenta aquí o si ya tiene una cuenta, identifíquese aquí